Did any interviews with you get published this past week 🫠 Maybe you can include a link in your next one

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Ugh. But thank you for writing about this. Years ago for a work project, we interviewed and surveyed dozens and dozens of very high-achieving women scientists and researchers and uncovered a whole sad set of systemic biases (https://www.fondationloreal.com/sites/default/files/2021-04/Cahiers_de_la_Fondation%20L%27Or%C3%A9al%20English.pdf) - and these are from the women who *stayed* in science! Women's underrepresentation as researchers has very real consequences and harms. (And maybe the leaky pipeline is the wrong metaphor; it's really 'broken scaffolding': https://ssir.org/articles/entry/leaky_pipelines_or_broken_scaffolding_supporting_womens_leadership_in_stem)

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Ohhhh, broken scaffolding is a much better metaphor. Thanks for sharing these resources, especially your report and look forward to reading it!

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I'm grateful that you are writing about this. As a middle aged woman and athlete (and someone who works in scientific publishing), it's been really disappointing to never find useful data and studies.

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