I think this is one of your best-written newsletters this year in terms of voice—thank you and bravo. I'm so sorry about losing your laptop. Even if things were saved to the cloud, it's such a pain and time consuming to get a new one and restore things. I bet that was extremely unsettling. When I feel the various ways you've described above—from chicken-with-head-cut-off to slow-motion foggy-brained—I try to lower expectations of what I can/should get done in a day, and focus on sleep. I always do better during the day when I practice good bedtime habits (e.g. quieting down by reading a book, getting off my phone, limiting my alcohol intake to just one drink and not snacking or drinking after 8pm) and sleep through the night. A good frame of mind starts with a good night's sleep. I'm excited for you to get back to running in the new year.

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This book stack is ⚡⚡⚡

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Mr. Napkinhead!! I love that movie. We all want to live in Iris’s house, right?

I feel like I’ve spent the last several years learning how to be a person. For me, all of the productivity nonsense and even running to some extent, was a lot of noise distracting me from learning how to do this. It’s hard. I’m not sure the learning will ever stop but I do feel more present with myself and with life than I ever have before, which is good I think. Wishing you grace and courage as you embark on the journey. ❤️ You aren’t alone out here.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Christine Yu

Opening my email to find a new Christine Yu post.

Watching my 13 year old daughter ride off to our local high school on her mountain bike to cheer a fellow basketball teammate at a local game, knowing the excitement she will share when she returns.

Working on a jigsaw puzzle I completed with my mother during the holidays as a middle schooler.

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