May 28Liked by Christine Yu

Thank you for writing a book about female athlete insights; it’s about time research is being done on females in sports! I am recommending the book to my female running friends.

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This means so much to me! Thank you!

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May 26Liked by Christine Yu

You wrote a book! Saying that never gets old. 😂I love looking to my bookshelves and seeing Up to Speed snuggled up there. The message of your book is so necessary. Congrats, my friend!

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It meant the world to me to have you, Lauren, and Kristjana there to celebrate with me in person and for the never-ending support of our whole group.

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May 23Liked by Christine Yu

"I didn’t need to write a book. It wasn’t something that I was itching to do. But then I wouldn’t have challenged myself in a way I’ve never been challenged before."

This is where I'm at. Having written 100k words on Substack in the past year, I know that I have the capacity -and the ideas- but do I want to? Need to?

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That's the question, isn't it?

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May 23Liked by Christine Yu

I appreciate these reflections on the writing process as someone who writes (and feels vulnerable about it) and as a former competitive athlete who loved your book! The rich stories and concrete research felt so validating to my own experience, and added another layer of healing to wounds I thought were mostly closed. I wish I had had access to something like it when I was in the most painful years of injury/ED/early retirement. It’s worth celebrating that it’s out in the world as a resource that raises awareness and makes people feel less alone!

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Thank you, Rachel. It means a lot to hear that the book validated your experience and was helpful, even if only in a small way. Thank you for reading and sharing this. It means a lot to me!

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I loved Up to Speed - thank you for writing it and sharing your insights! When I read it, I was grappling with a stress fracture in my foot and feeling a lot of guilt, shame and anger for not knowing how to fuel my body appropriately. I learned so much from your work, and it helped me release those feelings. I'm really glad Up to Speed exists in the world!

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I really appreciate your kinds words, Angela, and knowing that that book resonated with you. Thank you for reading.

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I followed you on Twitter before you announced you were writing your book. I am so glad you wrote the book and I cannot imagine all that you went through. Just so you know - your book was much needed and I purchased a copy when it was released. Thank you for your journey.

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Thank you, Jenn, so much. Your kind words and support mean to much to me.

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Such helpful insights

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Thank YOU for being a part of my book launch. It really meant a lot to me!

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It's so helpful to read these publishing insights, especially in terms of how it affects emotions and mental health. I loved Up to Speed and believe it will "have legs" and be relevant for years to come. My first book (a how-to) took all my effort to find an audience because the publisher gave it little marketing support, but I did what I could, and it sold well for its niche. The whole time, I was filled with doubt and self-consciousness. Now I'm making slow but steady progress on my second book (a memoir), and the biggest hurdle I see after writing it is finding an agent and publisher. Guidance from authors like you is much appreciated!

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Just looking around on social media, it looks like publishing and publishing a book is all sunshine and rainbows for everyone, doesn't it?? But it can be really really hard emotionally and mentally even when there are also lots of rainbows and sunshine. I'm cheering you on as you work on your memoir. Can't wait to read it.

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Thank you for the encouragement!

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