Mar 6Liked by Christine Yu

So relatable! Just talked with my therapist about the same things this week!!

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Yu

I spent a good 18 months sorting through all of this when I first got sick and had to take an extended period off from work. It was really really hard but it helped me learn that I’m a person not my work. I conflated my worth as a human with my job title and work output. I didn’t even know I was doing that until I couldn’t work. But learning that I’m not what I do (running, my job, etc), has been the most liberating experience. Brutal to sort through, but lots of freedom on the other side. Keep going. ❤️

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This was spot on, thank you for articulating it so well. I’m in a similar boat re: post closing my studio. My brain is like “what’s my worth if there aren’t xx mats on the floor?” 🤪

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Mar 7Liked by Christine Yu

Thank you for writing this! I feel the same way about hustle, and it's the main reason I've never pursued freelance work. Being able to take our time and be thoughtful and deliberate is important to producing quality work. However, a lot of jobs I've had ask me to produce a ton of content or demand I'm spread too thin to produce quality work. It has taken a big toll on me. I've felt lazy, but I run marathons for fun. I know I'm not lazy. There's a lot of B.S. to unlearn.

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